Chinese cups featuring my Singapore Toile pattern in pink, turquoise and gold.

Exclusive toile design paper parasol for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose garden, cactii garden and Japanese garden

Singapore Toile Collection exclusively for INSIDE, HK + Singapore.

Illustrated advent calendar-style box of products, HK

illustrated map and NY icons for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US

New for 2022, a set of four coasters with scenes from various areas of Hong Kong, available from faux, HK

illustration of Lantau icons for exclusive t-shirt for Mui Wo Laundry on Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Special edition Hong Kong Willow Collection mugs with gold details

This is the Rosewood Willow Pattern ceramic candle holder, exclusively available in the Rosewood online store here. Made from fine bone china, it shows the hotel surrounded by many hotel and local elements.

Illustrated advent calendar-style box of products, HK

teatowel design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam

fine bone china sake pourer and cup in indigo blue and gold, part of my Japan Toile Collection.

An illustrated map of Kowloon in blue, white and gold, for Rosewood Hotel in HK. Available here.

range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china, available online here

ceramic mug and packaging for HOBBS of London, featuring my black and white map illustration, UK

illustrated lucky lai see for VIP customers of BEYORG organic store, HK

illustrated map for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US

Hong Kong Willow collection side plates in green and gold special edition

Detail showing the red and gold Kowloon saucer in the Hong Kong Willow Collection.

illustration of metal lion statue outside Burlingame library - competition winner for library card design, USA

I created a hand-painted design for these ceramic lights, for lightstylelondon, UK

illustration of Lantau icons for t-shirt for Mui Wo Laundry on Lantau Island, HK

mug for Hobbs of London featuring my London map illustration, UK

illustrated iphone case collection for the brand topologie in Japan, HK & Taiwan

espresso cups

This is a Huntington store favourite! Using icons from the famous Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens in LA, I illustrated botanicals, statuary, pavilions, bridges, a bird and some buzzing insects to create a playful take on the traditional toile pattern exclusively for them. Available from their online store here.

this is the large teapot in the HK Willow collection, in blue and gold

Illustrated festive advent box, celebrating BEYORG’s 17th anniverary, HK

specially commissioned, limited edition ceramic sweet tray for Lane Crawford department store, HK

A glass diffuser with my line illustration of the Hampstead store for HOBBS of London, UK

illustrated map for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection, this mug shape was made exclusively for Tiffany & Co. Tokyo, Japan

Special edition green and gold version of my HK and Kowloon Willow collection ceramics. Cake tray available from Lane Crawford for a limited time only.

illustrated fai chun (lucky decorative sign) for year of the snake for boutique chocolate brand choco you, Hong Kong

specially commissioned wedding cup showing Chinese pheonixes and rural scene, HK

fai chun (lucky decoration) for Chinese New Year with my Chinese astrology animal illustrations to celebrate the year of the goat, for Pacific Place mall, HK

specially commissioned promotional jewellery box for tmt plaza mall, HK

Range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china. purchase online here. Available to buy from Four Seasons Park Lane, London.

festive Hong Kong fine bone china mugs with gold and silver stars, HK

one-off hand-made rug featuring my peony design for faux, HK

HK toile and HK willow collection mugs and Chinese teacups, photographed by kapok, HK.

summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea, UK

my new Hong Kong Willow pattern ceramic collection, HK saucer, in red. Available in Lane Crawford, HK, and online here

A special edition candle featuring my illustration of the HOBBS Hampstead store on both the candle and the packaging, UK

Green and gold HK willow plates, HK

my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. available from select stores in Hong Kong, including faux online

collaborative illustration for totebag design, for outeredit, Singapore
collaborators: Kahori Maki + Aude Van Ryn + Bob Foundation

Press interview featuring my Hong Kong toile ceramics in lifestyle magazine, HK. purchase online here

Hong Kong toile bowl used on front cover photoshoot for Discovery, the Cathay Pacific Magazine, HK

LED snowman glowlight for light style london, UK

Special green and gold version of my HK and Kowloon Willow collection for Chinese New Year 2020

illustration for promotional tote bag for organic market pop-up store in Pacific Place mall for BEYORG, Hong Kong

New York shaped sticky notes for Galison, US

blank holiday cards sold in my online shop, featuring a robin in ivy

shape designs for felt string lights. client: light style london, UK

illustrations for invitation for a wedding in Yosemite National Park, California, US

I worked with BEYORG to create a design featuring a panda character and organic ingredients, for VIP customer gifts benefitting charity, Hong Kong

Illustrated map used for sock packaging for HOBBS of London.

illustration featuring Qing Dynasty lady in front of the Jade Belt Bridge in the summer palace, Beijing, China

illustrated map and NY icons for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US and Tokyo, Japan

my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. available from select stores in Hong Kong. this photo shows the Chinese dinner set in blue. available online here

illustrated tea packaging for Juri's Tearooms & Garden, Tokyo, Japan

A set of fine bone china coasters.

The new straight-sided teacup and saucer in blue and white with gold details.

a set of three mini candles featuring my illustration of London, for HOBBS London, UK

New straight sided teapot and cups and saucers with gold detailing, available from faux in HK

a specially commissioned teacup design for the HKTDC ‘Think Global Think Hong Kong’ event held in Tokyo in November 2018. I adapted my HK design by adding in several Japan icons, such as Mt Fuji, a torii gate, sakura flowers and an origami crane. the teacups were packed in a special box and given to all attendees to the event dinner.

re-usable bag design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam

Dinner plate in my Hong Kong Willow pattern. Available from faux online or in HK.

Silk cushions with peony design made from my etchings for faux, HK

special edition holiday cards sold in my online shop, featuring a robin

totebag design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam. purchase online here

umbrella design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia. they sell products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam

my own autumn greetings cards featuring a rabbit and squirrel, US

display of Fifth Avenue Collection ceramics in Tiffanys store, New York, US

illustrated packaging for Juri's Tearooms & Garden, Tokyo, Japan

exclusive toile design ceramics for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose garden, cactii garden and Japanese garden

personal Christmas card printed with rose gold foil

New York shaped sticky notes for Galison, US

team t-shirt for safety department of company moving to a new building that used to be a doughnut factory, US

my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite Hong Kong icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in HK and online here

exclusive toile design ceramics for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose, cactii and Japanese gardens

collaborative illustration for totebag design, for outeredit, Singapore
collaborators: Kahori Maki + Aude Van Ryn

summer Teatime collection for Whittard of Chelsea, the UK's oldest tea merchants. the range included a teapot, teacup and saucer, mug, teaspoon, teacosy, teatowel, teatins, and packaging for tea and jam

various designs made for the SPCA, HK

time for tea tea tins designed for Whittard of Chelsea, UK

label for summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea, UK

my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite Hong Kong icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in Hong Kong

dinner plate for Chinese New Year with my Chinese astrology animal illustrations to celebrate the year of the goat, for VIP gifts for Pacific Place mall, HK

my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in Hong Kong and online here

holiday cards featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam.

summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea in London store display, UK

range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china. The dinner plate set comprises 6 pieces with different icons in the centre. available online here

t-shirt design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam

Chinese cups featuring my Singapore Toile pattern in pink, turquoise and gold.
Exclusive toile design paper parasol for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose garden, cactii garden and Japanese garden
Singapore Toile Collection exclusively for INSIDE, HK + Singapore.
Illustrated advent calendar-style box of products, HK
illustrated map and NY icons for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US
New for 2022, a set of four coasters with scenes from various areas of Hong Kong, available from faux, HK
illustration of Lantau icons for exclusive t-shirt for Mui Wo Laundry on Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Special edition Hong Kong Willow Collection mugs with gold details
This is the Rosewood Willow Pattern ceramic candle holder, exclusively available in the Rosewood online store here. Made from fine bone china, it shows the hotel surrounded by many hotel and local elements.
Illustrated advent calendar-style box of products, HK
teatowel design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam
fine bone china sake pourer and cup in indigo blue and gold, part of my Japan Toile Collection.
An illustrated map of Kowloon in blue, white and gold, for Rosewood Hotel in HK. Available here.
range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china, available online here
ceramic mug and packaging for HOBBS of London, featuring my black and white map illustration, UK
illustrated lucky lai see for VIP customers of BEYORG organic store, HK
illustrated map for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US
Hong Kong Willow collection side plates in green and gold special edition
Detail showing the red and gold Kowloon saucer in the Hong Kong Willow Collection.
illustration of metal lion statue outside Burlingame library - competition winner for library card design, USA
I created a hand-painted design for these ceramic lights, for lightstylelondon, UK
illustration of Lantau icons for t-shirt for Mui Wo Laundry on Lantau Island, HK
mug for Hobbs of London featuring my London map illustration, UK
illustrated iphone case collection for the brand topologie in Japan, HK & Taiwan
espresso cups
This is a Huntington store favourite! Using icons from the famous Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens in LA, I illustrated botanicals, statuary, pavilions, bridges, a bird and some buzzing insects to create a playful take on the traditional toile pattern exclusively for them. Available from their online store here.
wooden winter star light designed for light style london, UK
this is the large teapot in the HK Willow collection, in blue and gold
Illustrated festive advent box, celebrating BEYORG’s 17th anniverary, HK
specially commissioned, limited edition ceramic sweet tray for Lane Crawford department store, HK
A glass diffuser with my line illustration of the Hampstead store for HOBBS of London, UK
illustrated map for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection, this mug shape was made exclusively for Tiffany & Co. Tokyo, Japan
Special edition green and gold version of my HK and Kowloon Willow collection ceramics. Cake tray available from Lane Crawford for a limited time only.
illustrated fai chun (lucky decorative sign) for year of the snake for boutique chocolate brand choco you, Hong Kong
specially commissioned wedding cup showing Chinese pheonixes and rural scene, HK
fai chun (lucky decoration) for Chinese New Year with my Chinese astrology animal illustrations to celebrate the year of the goat, for Pacific Place mall, HK
specially commissioned promotional jewellery box for tmt plaza mall, HK
Range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china. purchase online here. Available to buy from Four Seasons Park Lane, London.
festive Hong Kong fine bone china mugs with gold and silver stars, HK
one-off hand-made rug featuring my peony design for faux, HK
HK toile and HK willow collection mugs and Chinese teacups, photographed by kapok, HK.
summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea, UK
my new Hong Kong Willow pattern ceramic collection, HK saucer, in red. Available in Lane Crawford, HK, and online here
A special edition candle featuring my illustration of the HOBBS Hampstead store on both the candle and the packaging, UK
Green and gold HK willow plates, HK
my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. available from select stores in Hong Kong, including faux online
collaborative illustration for totebag design, for outeredit, Singapore
collaborators: Kahori Maki + Aude Van Ryn + Bob Foundation
Press interview featuring my Hong Kong toile ceramics in lifestyle magazine, HK. purchase online here
Hong Kong toile bowl used on front cover photoshoot for Discovery, the Cathay Pacific Magazine, HK
LED snowman glowlight for light style london, UK
Special green and gold version of my HK and Kowloon Willow collection for Chinese New Year 2020
illustration for promotional tote bag for organic market pop-up store in Pacific Place mall for BEYORG, Hong Kong
New York shaped sticky notes for Galison, US
blank holiday cards sold in my online shop, featuring a robin in ivy
shape designs for felt string lights. client: light style london, UK
illustrations for invitation for a wedding in Yosemite National Park, California, US
I worked with BEYORG to create a design featuring a panda character and organic ingredients, for VIP customer gifts benefitting charity, Hong Kong
Illustrated map used for sock packaging for HOBBS of London.
illustration featuring Qing Dynasty lady in front of the Jade Belt Bridge in the summer palace, Beijing, China
illustrated map and NY icons for Fifth Avenue ceramic collection exclusively for Tiffany & Co. New York, US and Tokyo, Japan
my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. available from select stores in Hong Kong. this photo shows the Chinese dinner set in blue. available online here
illustrated tea packaging for Juri's Tearooms & Garden, Tokyo, Japan
A set of fine bone china coasters.
The new straight-sided teacup and saucer in blue and white with gold details.
a set of three mini candles featuring my illustration of London, for HOBBS London, UK
New straight sided teapot and cups and saucers with gold detailing, available from faux in HK
a specially commissioned teacup design for the HKTDC ‘Think Global Think Hong Kong’ event held in Tokyo in November 2018. I adapted my HK design by adding in several Japan icons, such as Mt Fuji, a torii gate, sakura flowers and an origami crane. the teacups were packed in a special box and given to all attendees to the event dinner.
re-usable bag design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam
Dinner plate in my Hong Kong Willow pattern. Available from faux online or in HK.
Silk cushions with peony design made from my etchings for faux, HK
special edition holiday cards sold in my online shop, featuring a robin
totebag design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam. purchase online here
umbrella design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia. they sell products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam
my own autumn greetings cards featuring a rabbit and squirrel, US
display of Fifth Avenue Collection ceramics in Tiffanys store, New York, US
illustrated packaging for Juri's Tearooms & Garden, Tokyo, Japan
exclusive toile design ceramics for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose garden, cactii garden and Japanese garden
personal Christmas card printed with rose gold foil
New York shaped sticky notes for Galison, US
team t-shirt for safety department of company moving to a new building that used to be a doughnut factory, US
my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite Hong Kong icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in HK and online here
exclusive toile design ceramics for The Huntington Library, Arts Collections, and Botanical Gardens in the US. the design features elements from their world-famous gardens, including the rose, cactii and Japanese gardens
collaborative illustration for totebag design, for outeredit, Singapore
collaborators: Kahori Maki + Aude Van Ryn
summer Teatime collection for Whittard of Chelsea, the UK's oldest tea merchants. the range included a teapot, teacup and saucer, mug, teaspoon, teacosy, teatowel, teatins, and packaging for tea and jam
HK toile teatowels and Chinese teacups, HK. purchase online here
various designs made for the SPCA, HK
time for tea tea tins designed for Whittard of Chelsea, UK
LED moonman glowlight for light style london, UK
label for summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea, UK
my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite Hong Kong icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in Hong Kong
dinner plate for Chinese New Year with my Chinese astrology animal illustrations to celebrate the year of the goat, for VIP gifts for Pacific Place mall, HK
my own range of ceramics, featuring my favourite HK icons in a toile pattern. Available from select stores in Hong Kong and online here
holiday cards featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam.
summer Teatime ceramic collection for Whittard of Chelsea in London store display, UK
range of ceramics featuring London icons and places, in deep blue on fine bone china. The dinner plate set comprises 6 pieces with different icons in the centre. available online here
t-shirt design featuring moonbears for the charity animals asia that sells products to raise money to rescue and look after moonbears in China and Vietnam