Burberry's window display
Burberry's window display

Papier-mache dog props for Burberrys, to advertise their clothes for dogs, HK

KBS instore
KBS instore

My illustration used in the Korean Beauty Secret store, HK

Tiffany & Co window display
Tiffany & Co window display

mother's day window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

raccoon window display
raccoon window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

HOBBS of London store window
HOBBS of London store window

Framed illustrations in the High Street Kensington branch of HOBBS of London, UK

Chinese New Year mall installation
Chinese New Year mall installation

elevator block in Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Tiffany & Co. window display
Tiffany & Co. window display

pop-up book for autumn window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

vitrine window display
vitrine window display

art window display at treat window space, San Francisco, US

tree mural
tree mural

Mural for private client, US. House can be seen here. Photo by Laure Joliet

London mural
London mural

playroom mural with a London theme for private residence, UK

HOBBS store display
HOBBS store display

framed artwork in HOBBS of London new flagship store in High Street Kensington, UK

storm drain mural
storm drain mural

Competition-winning storm drain mural designed for Burlingame City, California. USA, 2022

Tiffany & Co. window display
Tiffany & Co. window display

Christmas window installation for Tiffany & Co. HK

jungle nursery mural
jungle nursery mural

detail of jungle-themed nursery room murals for private client, US

Chinese New Year installation
Chinese New Year installation

gift counter Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

HOBBS instore display
HOBBS instore display

framed map for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Kuala Lumpur map
Kuala Lumpur map

KL map designed to fit into wall instore display of LOKL cafe, Malaysia

Chinese New Year installation
Chinese New Year installation

Chinese New Year banner and podium installation featuring my illustrations in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Hong Kong MTR subway station
Hong Kong MTR subway station

main atrium in permanent installation in the kitchen cupboard, a series of large scale etchings reproduced on metal panels featuring homeware in each exit of Cheung Sha Wan MTR subway station, HK

BEYORG cosmetic store Christmas display
BEYORG cosmetic store Christmas display

turn organic campaign Christmas store display for cosmetic store, HK

tree mural
tree mural

tree with golden leaves residential mural for private client, US

prop for Burberrys
prop for Burberrys

handmade papier-maché dog for Burberrys window display, HK

HOBBS instore display
HOBBS instore display

framed artwork for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Tiffany & Co. instore display
Tiffany & Co. instore display

Christmas instore merchandising display for Tiffany & Co., HK

Korean Beauty Secret store
Korean Beauty Secret store

interior wall illustration of floral design in Korean Beauty Secret store, HK

Hobbs instore display
Hobbs instore display

detail of framed artworks for instore display for Hobbs of London flagship store, UK

childs bedroom mural
childs bedroom mural

dreamy mural painted for a child's bedroom, private client, UK

window display
window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

plum blossom display
plum blossom display

plum blossom large scale painting for mannequin show room for Bonaveri, China

Whittards flagship store
Whittards flagship store

permanent designs for the glass windows and interior walls of Whittard of Chelsea's flagship store in London, UK

fairy mural
fairy mural

fairy painted under direction for little girl's bedroom, UK

london mural
london mural

london-themed murals for childrens rooms, including park-themed corridor murals, UK

vitrine window display
vitrine window display

art window display at treat window space, San Francisco, US

BEYORG beauty store Christmas campaign
BEYORG beauty store Christmas campaign

I created a Christmas woodland for their Christmas ‘turn organic’ 2018 campaign.

HOBBS instore display
HOBBS instore display

framed artwork in HOBBS of London new flagship store in High Street Kensington, UK

Jackanory set and prop design
Jackanory set and prop design

Jackanory TV show set and prop design for Roald Dahl’s BFG episode with actor Michael Maloney, UK

bathroom mural
bathroom mural

hand-lettered mural in various materials, for private client, London, UK

HOBBS instore display
HOBBS instore display

framed artwork for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Korean Beauty Secret store interior
Korean Beauty Secret store interior

interior illustration for boutique cosmetics store Korean Beauty Secret, HK

HOBBS of London changing room
HOBBS of London changing room

Framed illustrations in the HOBBS of London changing rooms, UK

floral mural
floral mural

white line painted mural in girls room, HK

London mural
London mural

London mural for private residence, UK

musical mural
musical mural

temporary mural for musical event at Cafe Iriya, Tokyo, Japan

Chinese New Year installation
Chinese New Year installation

Chinese New Year banner installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

HOBBS of London instore display
HOBBS of London instore display

Framed artworks in HOBBS of London store, UK

toyshop mural
toyshop mural

murals on exterior walls for Sparkhouse toystore, US

Whittards flagship store
Whittards flagship store

permanent designs for the glass windows and interior walls of Whittard of Chelsea's flagship store in London, UK

Hong Kong MTR station
Hong Kong MTR station

permanent display of in the kitchen cupboard series of large scale etchings on metal panels featuring homeware in all the MTR subway station exits, HK

Peak Tower Christmas campaign, HK 2018
Peak Tower Christmas campaign, HK 2018

Winterfest campaign for the Peak Tram, HK

London murals
London murals

london-themed murals for childrens rooms, London, UK

anniversary windows
anniversary windows

10 year anniversary window display for kapok boutique store, HK

nursery room mural
nursery room mural

jungle-themed nursery room murals for private client, US

spoon exit Hong Kong MTR station
spoon exit Hong Kong MTR station

permanent display of in the kitchen cupboard series of large scale etchings on metal panels featuring homeware in all the MTR subway station exits, HK

vm display
vm display

into the wild themed visual merchandising display for kapok boutique store, HK

window display
window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

store mural in India
store mural in India

health food store mural in Gurgaon, India

Chinese New Year installation
Chinese New Year installation

walkway in Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Burberry dog clothes window display
Burberry dog clothes window display

papier-mache dog props for Burberrys, to advertise their clothes for dogs, HK

Tiffany & Co window display
Tiffany & Co window display

pop-up book for autumn window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

golf mural
golf mural

golfing wall mural for golfzone indoor location, HK

window display
window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

HOBBS instore display
HOBBS instore display

artwork for HOBBS of London new store in Hong Kong

Tiffany & Co. Halloween window
Tiffany & Co. Halloween window

Moving window display for Halloween display, designed, made and installed be me in the Tiffany & Co. store at the Landmark in Hong Kong

Burberry's window display
KBS instore
Tiffany & Co window display
raccoon window display
HOBBS of London store window
Chinese New Year mall installation
Tiffany & Co. window display
vitrine window display
tree mural
London mural
HOBBS store display
storm drain mural
Tiffany & Co. window display
jungle nursery mural
Chinese New Year installation
HOBBS instore display
Kuala Lumpur map
Chinese New Year installation
Hong Kong MTR subway station
BEYORG cosmetic store Christmas display
tree mural
prop for Burberrys
HOBBS instore display
Tiffany & Co. instore display
Korean Beauty Secret store
Hobbs instore display
childs bedroom mural
window display
plum blossom display
Whittards flagship store
fairy mural
london mural
vitrine window display
BEYORG beauty store Christmas campaign
HOBBS instore display
Jackanory set and prop design
bathroom mural
HOBBS instore display
Korean Beauty Secret store interior
HOBBS of London changing room
floral mural
London mural
musical mural
Chinese New Year installation
HOBBS of London instore display
toyshop mural
Whittards flagship store
Hong Kong MTR station
Peak Tower Christmas campaign, HK 2018
London murals
anniversary windows
nursery room mural
spoon exit Hong Kong MTR station
vm display
window display
store mural in India
Chinese New Year installation
Burberry dog clothes window display
Tiffany & Co window display
golf mural
window display
HOBBS instore display
Tiffany & Co. Halloween window
Burberry's window display

Papier-mache dog props for Burberrys, to advertise their clothes for dogs, HK

KBS instore

My illustration used in the Korean Beauty Secret store, HK

Tiffany & Co window display

mother's day window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

raccoon window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

HOBBS of London store window

Framed illustrations in the High Street Kensington branch of HOBBS of London, UK

Chinese New Year mall installation

elevator block in Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Tiffany & Co. window display

pop-up book for autumn window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

vitrine window display

art window display at treat window space, San Francisco, US

tree mural

Mural for private client, US. House can be seen here. Photo by Laure Joliet

London mural

playroom mural with a London theme for private residence, UK

HOBBS store display

framed artwork in HOBBS of London new flagship store in High Street Kensington, UK

storm drain mural

Competition-winning storm drain mural designed for Burlingame City, California. USA, 2022

Tiffany & Co. window display

Christmas window installation for Tiffany & Co. HK

jungle nursery mural

detail of jungle-themed nursery room murals for private client, US

Chinese New Year installation

gift counter Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

HOBBS instore display

framed map for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Kuala Lumpur map

KL map designed to fit into wall instore display of LOKL cafe, Malaysia

Chinese New Year installation

Chinese New Year banner and podium installation featuring my illustrations in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Hong Kong MTR subway station

main atrium in permanent installation in the kitchen cupboard, a series of large scale etchings reproduced on metal panels featuring homeware in each exit of Cheung Sha Wan MTR subway station, HK

BEYORG cosmetic store Christmas display

turn organic campaign Christmas store display for cosmetic store, HK

tree mural

tree with golden leaves residential mural for private client, US

prop for Burberrys

handmade papier-maché dog for Burberrys window display, HK

HOBBS instore display

framed artwork for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Tiffany & Co. instore display

Christmas instore merchandising display for Tiffany & Co., HK

Korean Beauty Secret store

interior wall illustration of floral design in Korean Beauty Secret store, HK

Hobbs instore display

detail of framed artworks for instore display for Hobbs of London flagship store, UK

childs bedroom mural

dreamy mural painted for a child's bedroom, private client, UK

window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

plum blossom display

plum blossom large scale painting for mannequin show room for Bonaveri, China

Whittards flagship store

permanent designs for the glass windows and interior walls of Whittard of Chelsea's flagship store in London, UK

fairy mural

fairy painted under direction for little girl's bedroom, UK

london mural

london-themed murals for childrens rooms, including park-themed corridor murals, UK

vitrine window display

art window display at treat window space, San Francisco, US

BEYORG beauty store Christmas campaign

I created a Christmas woodland for their Christmas ‘turn organic’ 2018 campaign.

HOBBS instore display

framed artwork in HOBBS of London new flagship store in High Street Kensington, UK

Jackanory set and prop design

Jackanory TV show set and prop design for Roald Dahl’s BFG episode with actor Michael Maloney, UK

bathroom mural

hand-lettered mural in various materials, for private client, London, UK

HOBBS instore display

framed artwork for instore display for HOBBS of London new store in Connecticut, US

Korean Beauty Secret store interior

interior illustration for boutique cosmetics store Korean Beauty Secret, HK

HOBBS of London changing room

Framed illustrations in the HOBBS of London changing rooms, UK

floral mural

white line painted mural in girls room, HK

London mural

London mural for private residence, UK

musical mural

temporary mural for musical event at Cafe Iriya, Tokyo, Japan

Chinese New Year installation

Chinese New Year banner installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

HOBBS of London instore display

Framed artworks in HOBBS of London store, UK

toyshop mural

murals on exterior walls for Sparkhouse toystore, US

Whittards flagship store

permanent designs for the glass windows and interior walls of Whittard of Chelsea's flagship store in London, UK

Hong Kong MTR station

permanent display of in the kitchen cupboard series of large scale etchings on metal panels featuring homeware in all the MTR subway station exits, HK

Peak Tower Christmas campaign, HK 2018

Winterfest campaign for the Peak Tram, HK

London murals

london-themed murals for childrens rooms, London, UK

anniversary windows

10 year anniversary window display for kapok boutique store, HK

nursery room mural

jungle-themed nursery room murals for private client, US

spoon exit Hong Kong MTR station

permanent display of in the kitchen cupboard series of large scale etchings on metal panels featuring homeware in all the MTR subway station exits, HK

vm display

into the wild themed visual merchandising display for kapok boutique store, HK

window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

store mural in India

health food store mural in Gurgaon, India

Chinese New Year installation

walkway in Chinese New Year installation in Pacific Place luxury shopping mall for the Year of the Goat, HK

Burberry dog clothes window display

papier-mache dog props for Burberrys, to advertise their clothes for dogs, HK

Tiffany & Co window display

pop-up book for autumn window display for Tiffany & Co., HK

golf mural

golfing wall mural for golfzone indoor location, HK

window display

into the wild themed window display for kapok boutique store, HK

HOBBS instore display

artwork for HOBBS of London new store in Hong Kong

Tiffany & Co. Halloween window

Moving window display for Halloween display, designed, made and installed be me in the Tiffany & Co. store at the Landmark in Hong Kong

show thumbnails