Hong Kong

I’ve had a wonderful week in HK. Unfortunately with a bit of a cold. But I’ve still managed to do quite a lot! Here’s a sketch I did today in Sai Ying Pun. I’ve always loved overhead flyovers…

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I’ve done lots of walks around smaller local streets on this visit, and I look for those hidden truly ‘HK’ views.

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I sat at one of the street restaurants and had a drink while I drew this scene in Jordan, at Temple Street Night Market. I liked something about the green awnings and red flags!

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As usual, I’ve eaten all sorts of delicious meals. Here are just a few…


I had a wonderful evening at the new nightspot Dai Bing, in Sheung Wan, and even managed a little sketch on a coaster.

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Many of the local shops have a guardian cat, and I love spotting them on the job.

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I’ve got a few more days left in HK, mostly spent in meetings, but on to London next!