London drawing day

I spent a wonderful day this week as a guest member of the ‘first wednesday drawing club’. We went to the Rochester Square social space, and explored their ramshackle adorable gardens. There are bones of greenhouses, without any glass, filled with all sorts of vegetable plots and flowers in pots…


I enjoyed working out the complicated structures, but mostly I loved sketching the various plants in the sunshine.

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These nasturtiums were glowing and golden and the shapes of the leaves were so fascinating.


I drew in a shady ivy-covered nook, and then one of the girls having her lunch…


I finished the day with this last sketch of the overhead beams and the vines growing up over them.


It was wonderful to end the day with a show-and-tell with the other sketchers, and see how the space had inspired everyone in different ways. I really should spend more time focussing on drawing!
