Before they took a break for the Easter holidays, I started doing art classes with my two nieces (ages 5 and 8) over skype. I’d never done this before, and have been learning all about how long their attention span is, what they’ll focus on, and how much they can take of their aunt talking at them! Here are some of the lessons that went well.
We looked at Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting, and discussed the shapes, colours and textures…
I took it back a step and we drew fruit from life, focussing on the shadows. I wanted them to experiment with different softnesses of pencils, and grasp shading…
…which led to looking at Cezanne’s apples, and again looking at shadows and colours. Without realising it they’ve taken in 3-dimensional drawing. Yay!
We switched to watercolour and looked at shape and colour and light. I love how they’ve interpreted this painting! Monet would be proud…
I’ve been thinking of more lesson ideas and looking forward to starting up lessons again!
* credits: top left, famous painting, top right, me. Bottom left, Sascha (6), bottom right, Isla (8).