HK week 2 - my show!

Two weekends ago, I had a show of prints and ceramics at the Vault at the Fringe Club to celebrate 25 years of my work in HK. It was hosted by faux and Feste. So many friends and clients showed up, it was wonderful!

I had my first show in HK at the Fringe in 1997…

… and it seemed fitting to have my anniversary show there this year.

I did a livesketch towards the end of the evening, when it was a bit quieter. It was lovely to sit and enjoy the ambience.

I was interviewd briefly during the event by a Japanese journalist. You can watch her vlog here and also see lots of the ceramics that were on show. All my different ceramic collections were available for the first time together.

The artwork is staying on the walls at the Vault at the Fringe until Saturday 26th November, I hope you get a chance to visit!