Heatwaves - COP27

This year I illustrated the last book in the COPE disaster Risk Reduction picture books series: Heatwaves. It was officially launched at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

COPE attended the conference with the support of the World Meteorological Organization, and held a side event at the Science for Climate Action Pavilion. We hosted an inspiring panel discussion with some of our key collaborators from UNICEF East Asia and Pacific, the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, and the WMO. The panelists shared their opinions about the important role of children in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the new book.

I watched the discussion live from HK, and sketched and made notes throughout.

Lina Suarez, our COPE representative, hosted the panel, and visited the first Children and Youth pavilion, shared the COPE books and built relationships with a host of future collaborators. Hopefully COPE can continue to expand its reach and we can spread the message of disaster preparedness to children all over the world.

You can read more about COPE at the event and see more photos here.