New York exhibition

Our mokuhanga group show Beyond Worlds opened at the Kentler International Drawing Space in New York last week. The opening reception was well attended, and four out of the nine Mokuhanga Sisters were there to hang the show and celebrate.

There were pieces by each of the Sisters, and also invited guests. Each wall was hung intuitively as well as thematically and there are all sorts of conversations happening between the works.

Our collaborative sumi ink scroll had pride of place in the exhibition, with a newly made display table. I never get tired of seeing this scroll and the beautiful work we all put in together to make it. Here’s a close-up of my Night Garden print in the scroll.

My tiny Black Poppy print had a little wall to itself in the black and white corner…

I especially like the dialogue that seems to be happening between this large print by Ayao Shiokawa and my Summer Blooms print. The matching colours and shapes of the flowers make the eye flow easily back and forth between them…

The exhibition runs until July 31st, please take a look if you’re in New York!