treehouse weekend

It was my birthday last week, and we went to stay in a treehouse, as a special treat! I have always wanted to stay in one, and it was as magical as I hoped. To wake up in a four poster bed, surrounded by trees and birds, was heavenly…

The house had been built into a fairy ring of redwood trees, and the light that came through at all times of the day was wonderful. I enjoyed just sitting out on the deck watching the sunlight through the leaves.

The treehouse was in the grounds of a ranch, and we wandered through the forests and pastures, marvelling at all the different wildlife. I especially loved seeing a group of California quail, with their funny head feather, but they ran away too quickly for me to photograph them.

My birthday breakfast was delicious and beautiful, mostly provided by the chickens and garden on the ranch…

The place we stayed was called FlipJack Ranch, but unfortunately they’re retiring and I’m not sure if you’ll be able to stay at the treehouse any more. Fingers crossed it will still be available in the future!