baby room mural

I've just painted a ocean-themed mural for my baby niece's bedroom. It's a little room, with pale yellow walls and a partially sloped white ceiling. I roughly divided the room into 3 horizontal bands, with the top area of the walls, near the ceiling, as the sky, the next level as the horizon of the sea, and the bottom level, near the floor, as the ocean floor. From my initial concept just to do the sky, with clouds, stars and the moon...

the room developed into a gentle sea paradise.

I drew the clouds, birds, and main boat in pencil first, for positioning, and tested out the colours.

I painted the clouds white on the yellow walls, and where the walls merged into the sloped ceiling, I changed the clouds to blue on white.

I put birds in the clouds,

and sea creatures in corners along the skirting board of the room...

And of course, the main feature: a sailboat, with an imaginary portrait of my niece, sailing in her dreams...