
HKDI workshop

I've just got home from my trip to HK, and looking through all the wonderful things I did while I was there. It's especially great thinking about the monoprint workshop I did with the illustration students at the Hong Kong Design Institute.workshop-1It was truly wonderful to see them making a mess and getting really into it. I think they were all happy with the work they  produced.workshopHere are a few pieces of the students' work that I thought worked especially well...student-workI also gave a presentation about my work and being an illustrator. I may have scared them, but hope I put resolve into the ones who are serious!presentation  

Kansas visit

I've just got back from a wonderful visit to Kansas. I spent a day doing a spot of teaching at Emporia State University and giving a presentation there. Here's a great poster one of the students made for my talk:poster 3I went to Lawrence, to set up a collaborative exhibition with my friends Yoonmi Nam and Katie Baldwin at the new Wonder Fair gallery downtown.fullWe had our opening on saturday evening, which was super busy and fun!gallery p-eopleWe showed our project wood + paper + box, along with a special silk-screened poster of our complete box (available to buy from Wonder Fair).poster 4We each also had space to show our own individual work. Here's mine, hung salon style.my wallThe show will be up until mid November, so please do pop in and take a look if you're nearby!

Design School Wisdom

I gave a quote for this book published by Chronicle Books, containing sayings and advice from a variety of designers and design teachers. My quote has been featured on the inside cover. In all my time teaching at St Martin's, this is perhaps the most important thing I wanted to get my students to understand: know, and be able to articulate, why you're making your design choices...

It's out now, full of all sorts of good advice, and available from Chronicle Books and Amazon.

printmaking workshops

I gave several printmaking workshops recently, at an International school in Hong Kong. I showed the students various techniques for mono-printing (handy as no presses are needed) and we used the table surfaces to print from.I encouraged them to experiment and explore, and they were so enthusiastic it really inspired me. I taught the IB students (16-18 years old), and also some primary classes (9-11yrs old)and they all produced amazing work...I hope they enjoyed the classes as much as I did!