
mokuhanga baren pin

My printmaking collective wood+paper+box commissioned a jeweller to create some beautiful bronze lapel pins for us to sell. The money raised will go towards funding our future projects.

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The pins are hand-made by Kansas-based jeweler Sunyoung Cheong. They are adorable 3-dimensional miniature replicas of mokuhanga barens. Each pin is 17mm in diameter (approximately the size of a dime) and we packaged them in kraft paper boxes, with our new “I love mokuhanga” stamps.


We had 15 pins for our soft launch this week, which sold out almost immediately!

DM @woodpaperbox on instagram if you’d like to be added to the waitlist for our official launch later in the summer. They are the perfect accessory for all woodblock printing geeks. I wear mine with pride!

wood + paper + box live

Katie Baldwin, Yoonmi Nam and I spoke about our collaborative project wood + paper + box in an online live conversation hosted by The Print Center in Philadelphia this week.


It was so amazing to look at the beginnings of our work right from the moment we all met in Nagasawa in 2004. You can watch the whole conversation here.

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We showed each box we’ve made, plus edited videos (all available to see on our wood + paper + box website) and took turns talking about all the elements of our work, exhibitions and future plans.


I even managed a quick sketch during the Q & A…


We’ve already started talking about box 5!