I have 2 prints in the show light/shade that is on right now at the CfSHE Gallery in 331 Arts Chiyoda. They are mokuhanga prints of vases that were made during my recent residency in Kawaguchiko. Hope you have time to pop down and see the show!
■ 展示作家:
ケイティー・ボールドウィン(Katie Baldwin)
パティー・フダック(Patty Hudak)
マリコ・ジェシー(Mariko Jesse)
ケイト・マクドナー(Kate MacDonagh)
ユーンミ・ナム(Yoonmi Nam)
ルーシー・メイ・スコフィールド(Lucy May Schofield)
メリッサ・シュレンバーグ(Melissa Schulenberg)
■ 会 期:2019年7月6日(土)- 13日(土) ※ 9日(火)は休廊いたします。
■ 開廊時間:
6日(土)… 17:00~18:00
7日(日)~13日(土)火曜日除く … 12:00 - 17:00
※ 初日はオープニングレセプションの時間帯のみ開廊いたします。
■ 入場無料
■ 会 場:CfSHEギャラリー
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14
アーツ千代田 3331地下1階B109
3331アーツ千代田へのアクセスはこちら (銀座線末広町駅より徒歩1分)
MI-LAB exhibition
CfSHE Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition by the Mokuhanga Artists with works from MI-LAB Residency "Upper Advanced program".
Whether Black and White or hues of Indigo, Magenta or Lemon Yellow, Mokuhanga is an ideal process to explore Light and Shade in Positive and Negative Compositions.
The work in this exhibition reflects this concept through the unique approaches of seven artists, Katie Baldwin, Patty Hudak, Mariko Jesse, Kate MacDonagh, Yoonmi Nam, Lucy May Schofield, and Melissa Schulenberg.
■ Exhibition Date: From July 6 to 13, 2019
*Closed on Tuesday the 9th
■ Opening hours:
Saturday the 6th; 5 - 6 p.m.
From July 7 to 13 except Tuesday; 12 - 5 p.m.
*On the first day the exhibition unveils at 5 p.m. and receive public until 6 p.m. along with the opening reception event.
■ Venue: CfSHE Gallery - B109, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Soto-Kanda 6-11-14, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
■ Admission free
■ Reception event with the artist : Saturday the 6th of July at 5:00 p.m.
For more info and the press release, please visit our website.
本展覧会は当ギャラリーが取り組む Contemporary Mokuhanga という伝統木版・創作版画の枠を超えた国際的な標題の下で開催します。
CfSHE(シー•エフ•シー) ギャラリー
アーツ千代田3331 B109
Tel. 050-3304-9001 Fax. 03-3234-6789
web: http://endeavor.or.jp/mi-lab/jp/
e-mail: infodesk@endeavor.or.jp