Upcoming (virtual) exhibitions

I have work in two upcoming online exhibition/events: The CWAJ Print Show in Japan, and the Vancouver Art Book Fair in Canada.

The CWAJ Print Show is a highly respected annual exhibition that has been held since 1956. It raises money through print sales for various scholarships. I’ve visited the show each year I’ve been in Japan, and was excited to finally apply to be a part of it. Unfortunately due to the ongoing COVID situation in Japan, they are having the 2020 show virtually, but I hope it will still be great!

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You can visit the show here. It will be live from Monday October 12 at 3pm until Saturday October 31.

The Vancouver Art Book Fair is happening on the weekend of the 16/17/18 October. I’m participating as part of the wonderful Art Byte Critique Tokyo art group. There’s a link to the ABC site from the main VABF site and then you can link through to each of the participating members’ own site to purchase our work.
