The newest COPE book is here! It offers advice and information about the current global epidemic, in a simple and clear way.

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The book has been endorsed by unicef, and is available to read online or download for free from the COPE website here.

WIA longlisted!

Two of my recent projects have been longlisted in the AOI World Illustration Awards! Quite happy about it. There are 500 on the longlist, chosen from over 4,300 entries.


One of my projects that was nominated is my COPE floods illustrated picture book..


And the other is my HK Willow Pattern ceramics collection in green and gold. You can see the entry here.

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The shortlist will be announced in June. Fingers crossed!

ceramic sale!

Faux in HK are having an Easter sale for the whole month of April. You can purchase my HK toile and HK willow collections for 30% off! Now’s your chance!

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Exhibition postponed!

Unfortunately, due to the current coronavirus situation, I feel that the right thing to do is postpone my exhibition to some point later in the year. Don’t go out and about! Stay in and stay safe!

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Chinese New Year cake stand

This is a special limited edition version of my Hong Kong and Kowloon Willow collection, made especially for Lane Crawford this Chinese New Year, and available only in their stores in HK. It’s in beautiful shades of green with rose gold highlights to brighten up any tea party this year!

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There are also dinner plates and espresso cups with saucers!

himitsu zine event

I have some new work made especially for ‘Himitsu’ a zine produced by Japan-based ToCo. There will be a launch party and event on November 30th at the August Moon Cafe in Tokyo, from 1pm - 8.30pm. More info about the event can be found here. Hope to see you there!

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Awagami mini-print exhibition

I have a little mokuhanga print in the huge group show organised by Awagami Paper. It features printmaking of all sorts, on washi paper. If you have a chance, please go and see it!

My print blue vase received an honourable mention! Which is nice. You can see all the details of the exhibition here.

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October 5th – November 10th
The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper (141 Kawahigashi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima)
Inbe Art Space (116 Tateishi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima)
Kawata primary school(189 Sumiyoshi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima)
Admission Fee: ¥300 / ¥200 for students, ¥150 children under 15.

mid-autumn special offer!

Faux, who produce my ceramics, are offering a special deal on a package of my HK toile cake stand and plates, to celebrate the mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong.


Hope you’ll pick these up if you’ve been wanting a fun teaset to try!

mokuhanga exhibition

I have 2 prints in the show light/shade that is on right now at the CfSHE Gallery in 331 Arts Chiyoda. They are mokuhanga prints of vases that were made during my recent residency in Kawaguchiko. Hope you have time to pop down and see the show!





    ■ 展示作家:
     ケイティー・ボールドウィン(Katie Baldwin)
     パティー・フダック(Patty Hudak)
     マリコ・ジェシー(Mariko Jesse)
     ケイト・マクドナー(Kate MacDonagh)
     ユーンミ・ナム(Yoonmi Nam)
     ルーシー・メイ・スコフィールド(Lucy May Schofield)
     メリッサ・シュレンバーグ(Melissa Schulenberg)

   ■ 会  期:2019年7月6日(土)- 13日(土) ※ 9日(火)は休廊いたします。

  ■ 開廊時間:
     6日(土)… 17:00~18:00
     7日(日)~13日(土)火曜日除く … 12:00 - 17:00
     ※ 初日はオープニングレセプションの時間帯のみ開廊いたします。

  ■ 入場無料

  ■ 会  場:CfSHEギャラリー 
  〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14
        アーツ千代田 3331地下1階B109
  3331アーツ千代田へのアクセスはこちら  (銀座線末広町駅より徒歩1分)



MI-LAB exhibition


CfSHE Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition by the Mokuhanga Artists with works from MI-LAB Residency "Upper Advanced program".

Whether Black and White or hues of Indigo, Magenta or Lemon Yellow, Mokuhanga is an ideal process to explore Light and Shade in Positive and Negative Compositions.

The work in this exhibition reflects this concept through the unique approaches of seven artists, Katie Baldwin, Patty Hudak, Mariko Jesse, Kate MacDonagh, Yoonmi Nam, Lucy May Schofield, and Melissa Schulenberg.

 ■ Exhibition Date: From July 6 to 13, 2019
                            *Closed on Tuesday the 9th
 ■ Opening hours:
                      Saturday the 6th; 5 - 6 p.m.
                      From July 7 to 13 except Tuesday; 12 - 5 p.m.
  *On the first day the exhibition unveils at 5 p.m. and receive public until 6 p.m. along with the opening reception event.

 ■ Venue: CfSHE Gallery - B109, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Soto-Kanda 6-11-14, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
 ■ Admission free
 ■ Reception event with the artist : Saturday the 6th of July at 5:00 p.m.

For more info and the press release, please visit our website. 

本展覧会は当ギャラリーが取り組む Contemporary Mokuhanga という伝統木版・創作版画の枠を超えた国際的な標題の下で開催します。

CfSHE(シー•エフ•シー) ギャラリー
アーツ千代田3331 B109
Tel. 050-3304-9001  Fax. 03-3234-6789

into the fold exhibition

My collaborative mokuhanga project into the fold is finally coming to Japan! We’ll be showing the work at the CfSHE Gallery at 3331 Arts Chiyoda. Opening reception will be May 29. Hope to see you there!


Into the Fold

Exhibition of Mokuhanga prints by international artists

 ■ Artists: Katie Baldwin, Sarah Hulsey, Fuko Ito, Mariko Jesse, Yoonmi Nam, Mia O
 ■ Exhibition Date: From May 29 to June 5, 2019
                             *Closed on Monday the 3rd of June
 ■ Opening hours: 12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
 ■ Venue: CfSHE Gallery - B-109, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Soto-Kanda 6-11-14, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
 ■ Admission free

For more info and the press release, please visit our website. 

Tokyo, JAPAN -- Six international artists will showcase their new mokuhanga works at CfSHE Gallery in Tokyo, Japan which opens on Wednesday, May 29th, 2019. This exhibition titled, Into the Fold, is the result of an ongoing creative conversation where artists respond to themes of folding/unfolding, portability, lineage, and community using mokuhanga as the primary medium.

『Into the Fold 国際木版画家6名の競演』 

 海外及び日本在住の国際木版画家が東京CfSHEギャラリーに集いInto the Fold展を開催いたします。


 日本の水性木版画という意味の Mokuhanga というキーワードは、海外でも日本の伝統木版画に関連した道具材料を使って制作する現代アーティストの間で使われています。今回の作家は Mokuhanga で制作する多くの現代アーティストとともに、旧長沢アートパークと国際木版画ラボ(MI-LAB)という二つのレジデンスを通して繋がるアーティストや日本の数少ない摺り師・彫り師からの教授を受け継いでいます。

   ■ 会  期:2019年5月29日 (水) - 6月5日 (水)
        *6月3日 (月)は休廊いたします。
  ■ 開廊時間:12:00 - 17:00
  ■ 展示作家:Katie Baldwin (ケイティ・ボールドウィン)/Sarah Hulsey (サラ・ハルシー)
        Fuko Ito (フウコ・イトウ)/Mariko Jesse (マリコ・ジェシー)
        Yoonmi Nam (ユーンミ・ナム)/Mia O(ミア・オー)
  ■ 入場無料
  ■ 会  場:CfSHEギャラリー 
  〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14 アーツ千代田 3331地下1階B109

Tel. 050-3304-9001  Fax. 03-3234-6789

mokuhanga exhibition

I have some mokuhanga prints in this show that opens this week in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, at the Paperworkers Local Gallery.


PaperWorkers Local will host an event of contemporary interpretations of the traditional Japanese woodblock print by: Katie Baldwin, Annie Bissett, Mariko Jesse, Jennifer Mack-Watkins, Serena Perrone, Julie Shelton Snyder, and Richard Stockham

The show opens Friday March 8 from 5:30pm-7:30pm and is open Saturdays 11am-4pm. The show will close April 27 with a Japanese tea ceremony at 1pm hosted by the Chado Urasenke Tankokai Birmingham Association.

2717 Seventh Avenue South, Suite 203 Birmingham, AL

faux online store

You can buy all my ceramic products direct from faux, in HK, and they’ve just revamped their online store to sell directly to customers with international shipping anywhere in the world. Happy shopping!

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in the details

I’m proud to be exhibiting work in group show in the details, in Toyko, Japan. I’ll be showing some new pieces as well as older prints.

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Here’s all the info. I’ll be at the reception on February 1st, hope to see you there!

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World Tsunami Awareness Day

To commemorate World Tsunami Awareness Day, the UNISDR commissioned this booklet with my illustrations, to educate people on how to be prepared for a tsunami. It is a free downloadable PDF, which you can get here. Please share!

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