Chiba trip

We’ve just returned from a 5 day trip to Minamiboso in the south of Chiba. It was a relaxing break away from the city, in a beautiful house looking out onto green hills…

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We did a few trips into the hills and valleys to visit some lovely sights - the autumn colours were absolutely glorious! We saw the Komatsu-ji temple grounds and walked along the riverbed near the nomizo falls.


It was also wonderful to get some sea air, and the discovery of this tiny island with red torii gate was like going back in time.

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I did a few sketches and collected some broken bits of china from the beach. It was so restful!


We stayed in a modern house and enjoyed cooking at home, writing Christmas cards and catching up with family over skype. Lovely.


Now back in Tokyo and working to get things wrapped up before the holidays!