cosy Christmas greetings!

Here is this year’s Christmas card - a Victorian-style image of a hand with a posy…

my postcard version.jpg

I was inspired by one of my English grandmother’s Victorian Christmas decorations of a hand holding a Christmas rose. It’s an old tin/pewter clip to hold a real candle. I also looked at various imagery of hands and flowers and designed my own simpler, modern version.

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I did various sketches, adding and taking away details until I found what I wanted. I added a ribbon with a greeting and a more Christmassy selection of flowers and leaves. I then ordered a rubber stamp and hand-stamped each card in black and painted the colour elements. Each card is unique!


I wrote all my cards the old-fashioned way this year, with a dip pen and ink - messages of love and good wishes to all my friends and family around the world, in this crazy time.

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Take care, stay safe, and have a cosy Christmas at home everyone. All my love, Mariko x