COPE Wildfires book

This summer, to coincide with the California Wildfires season, we launched the new COPE picture book.

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For the first time, the COPE team visit two different locations to study a natural disaster…

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They go to South Africa first, to look at the effects of the large wildfires that happened in Knysna…

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…and then move on to California and the Sonoma fires. I was especially pleased and honoured to get the chance to draw a portrait of San Francisco’s Fire Chief, who supported the book.

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It’s always hard doing the research for the books, these disasters are getting more common due to increasing climate change, but I hope that they’ll save the lives of children who’ll be more prepared and know what to do in they find themselves in the midst of an emergency situation.

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As always, you can read the books for free on the COPE website. Be prepared!