storm drains

Earlier this year, Burlingame City held an open call for designs for a Storm Drain Murals Pilot Project: small murals to be placed near the storm drains on the pavements. They wanted to draw people’s attention to the drains and the fact that anything that goes into them gets washed directly out into San Francisco Bay.

I entered these two designs:

For the first, I adapted one of my San Francisco snowdome etchings, adding large raindrops, and for the second, I did some hand-lettering and placed it over my clouds and rain mokuhanga print. Both were chosen!

It was so exciting to to finally go and find them actually printed and on the street!

Both small murals are on Burlingame Broadway, and there is a map to show their locations here.

I would love to see any photos you take of them if you see them in person too.