library card

Back in 2021, Burlingame Public Library held a competition for designs for several new library cards. There were two children’s categories and one for adults, and you had to be a Burlingame library card holder in order to take part (yay me!) The brief was to create a design that represented Burlingame, libraries, or reading. I came up with a concept that celebrated all three…

I’ve always loved the Burlingame library lions at the entrance to the main building, and decided to create the design around them. Using photo references I’d taken, I sketched out several versions, and adapted each iteration, adding a smile, a library book, and eventually also the main archway around the double doors to the library.

Next I starting playing with colour and shading. The line work was done with a dip pen and ink, and I added the colour and textures in Photoshop. I played with the tones in the metal lion, and added a pop of colour in the book. As you can see, right up until the end, the words on the book were the address of the library itself, until I suddenly realised it would be more meaningful to write ‘Wisdom and Wonder’, the names of the two lions, and also a wonderful motto for what the library itself represents.

I went to the library this week to get myself a new card and took these photos in situ…

Here’s a fun film that the library staff made to celebrate the winning library card designs.

I’m so pleased and honoured to now be a part of Burlingame library’s wonderful history!