
RAYKO photography exhibition

I have a photograph in the annual juried plastic camera show at RAYKO in San Francisco, and I popped in to see it last week. So exciting! rayko 1I'm always taking photos on my holga/Lomo/Olympus Pen and don't show them enough. It's inspiring to see so many people making beautiful images on their plastic, almost toy, cameras.rayko 2I recommend checking it out! The exhibition is up for one more week, until April 29th. Rayko, 428 Third Street, SF, CA 94107

photography exhibition

One of my photos has been chosen to be in the annual juried plastic camera show at the prestigious rayko photo center in San Francisco. Jesse_Mariko_elephant and mahoutThis is a double-exposure medium format shot I took with my trusty Holga when I was travelling in India. I'm not a photographer, but I do love analogue photography so much. The opening reception is this wednesday evening, March 9th, 6-8pm if you're around! Show continues until April 29th.

last chance to 'heart' my designs

My collaborative T-shirt design project for OuterEdit has just finished, and I'm super happy with the designs I made. I took bits from everyone's artwork and created something surprising and Mariko-style out of them...My favourite themes that came up through the collaborative process were the fox, the stag, and the heart symbol. I played with these to create my designs.Only the top 5 'hearted' designs will actually be produced as T-shirts, so please take the time to go to the site, register, and vote vote vote! There are a few days left to vote before a decision is made. Thank you!

Outer Edit half-way through

So far I've done 2 new images for this project, making use of several other artists' bits of artwork. In the first, I directly used Aude's fox mask and Kahori's flower to complement my bird branch theme:In the next round, I didn't use the others' actual artwork, but was inspired to draw my own stag (thanks Hiromi!) and fox. I made a little scenario with its own Latin motto "a true friend is a rare bird".Keep voting, and some of these t-shirts could become real!

Sketchbook Project - London

My cutlery proverb sketchbook for the Art House Co-op is on its world tour, and will be in London next week!  All the European and Australian sketchbooks will be available to view at The Canada Water Library on these days at these times:

Oct. 12th 4pm-8pm Oct. 13th 11am-5pm Oct. 15th - 19th 4pm-8pm

Hope you can make it along!