Max and Mei


I did an interview with playtimes magazine when I was in HK, mainly to promote the Max and Mei books I illustrated. It's funny to read what I said, in another person's words: quoteThey collected together some of my images for the interview, and I love seeing how other people put them together, it always surprises me.imageYou can read the whole interview at the Playtimes link above, and see the Max and Mei books here.mandarinmatrix_max-and-mei 2

Max and Mei website

A fab new website has been launched for the Max and Mei series of bi-lingual children's books I illustrated. The books are Mandarin-English and really great fun. The new site features all the characters from the books, and all sorts of interesting interactive stuff.You can hear the stories being read aloud,and play some fun language games (I was ok at the numbers, not so great at the word matching!)

The website has lots of (educational!) playful stuff for kids of any age.

The original books are based on Max and Mei meeting all the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. In the newest book they meet a dinasaur (sort of!) The books are available direct from the publisher PPP in Hong Kong, and amazon everywhere else. Enjoy!