
summer newsletter

Hello and welcome to July! I just sent out my third newsletter, filled with Mariko news and some interesting tidbits from around the internet.

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I’m still working out what works in a newsletter (all advice welcome) but one thing I like is to start with a recent topical sketch that I make specially. This is the view from the balcony here in California.

You can sign up for my newsletters here. Thanks!

walking locally

Yesterday was vaccine day! Out of quarantine at last, walking in the local area was so full of wonderful things to look at…

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The day started out cloudy, but soon turned into the perfect summer day…so happy to have had the first shot and can’t wait to be fully vaccinated!


I’m currently in quarantine at home in California, visiting for a while to get some things sorted out. Jet lag is tricky, but not being able to go out means I’m just going with the flow. It means I also get to see the sun come up…

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Super excited to get vaccinated while I’m here! I can’t wait to be able to go out and about, and not have to worry quite as much as before.