
River Cottage light & easy

I illustrated Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's new cookbook, which is available now, and it's lovely! The recipes are totally amazing, especially when you realise that they're gluten & dairy free. My illustrations throughout the book are drawn in colour pencil, so I could make them feel 'light and easy'... I did some little drawings to add flavour to the page...and some larger ones across whole spreads.I did some drawings around the text...and some for the text to go around.I worked with the whole Bloomsbury team, as well as Hugh, but mostly with the wonderful Lawrence Morton, who art directed the book. There is now a River Cottage youtube channel, where they feature quite a few recipes from this book. Take a look, it's really fun!

River Cottage light & easy is available from River Cottage's amazon page. And of course all good bookstores. Enjoy!

mindful magazine

I recently did some illustrations for mindful magazine in the US, and have just received a copy of the current issue. My illustrations are delicate calligraphic line drawings in white, over photography.The article was about listening out for everyday sounds. I tried to listen, and capture those little noises that I usually don't hear.I really enjoyed doing different sorts of lettering to match the kinds of sounds.They also featured a little sketch and mini interview with me on their contributor's page...


I love pies! In case you hadn't already realised. I was thinking about pies the other day, and suddenly remembered a lovely little job I did for Parade magazine in the States, all about pies...The article was all about American pies, their history, which ones are famous, and what's so great about them (everything!)

shanghai trip

I spent a few days in Shanghai recently, re-acquainting myself after a ten year break. Thankfully there are still some lovely old parts left...although the new and shiny is asserting itself strongly...I took photos with my LCA on black and white film, looking for the beautiful old, messy Shanghai, mysterious through the fog and cold. I missed all the old-style bicycles (everyone seems to be on electric moped thingys now), that used to be everywhere. But the food was of course as tasty as ever!Shanghai dumplings are something special, they really are...